What’s In Your Refrigerator??? Weekend Dishes Ideas Using Our Great Imagination!

img_4527What’s in our refrigerators is one of my favorite on going posts, because I hope it makes us think and use our imagination before we throughaway food!
Having been in several unplesant situations lately, food was the last thing on my mind, but here I am! Today I was hungry!
What did I have in my refrigerator and pantry? Let’s see the ingredients:

Angel hair pasta
Tomatoes from my garden
Basil from my garden
Sharp cheddar cheese In the refrigerator
Flowers clipped from my Halloween display

How to prepare:
Boil the pasta on high after you add salt and oil to the water. Boil it until it’s tender.
If there is still water left, drain it and place the drained pasta in a bowl.
Chopp the tomatoes, basil and grate the cheese and mix well with the pasta. Add salt to your taste!
I think this would be even tastier if some chopped onions are added, but this is a matter of taste.
I don’t know about you, but I think food seems tastier when it looks pretty. For that reason, I decorated my pasta bowl with the mums I had left from Halloween. Of course I did not eat the flowers. As the picture shows, I placed them in a vase. They are still fresh and beautiful and lovely to look at them every morning:)

If you have “leftover ideas” you tried and they were yummy, please share with us!
Using our imagination is a good brain exercise, so it is a win- win situation!
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The Nude Truth is commited to continue to tell the truth and also share ideas from ALL aspects of life.
Our goal is to make everyone’s life easier!
Please always remember KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!
May God bless you.Have a nice weekend!

Rodica Mihalis, MS counseling and Clinical Psychology

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